
The Levels


Irrespective of how many Kms you have clocked on your motorcycle if you feel there is a lot to learn then this is for you. Before you reach the next level, let’s get the basics right. Let us help you with a lot of informative videos, which will make sure you start with the right foundation of riding ethics.


These are some strict ground rules that would save you from hitting the ground. After the basics, let’s flip the pages to excel in the art of how to bond with your motorcycle. In this series of iterative videos, we help you explore the dynamic capabilities of your motorcycle in detail with intermediate sessions.


Riding a motorcycle is an art, every day you explore the new colors on the pallet, and this practice of cultivating an art inside you never stops. This is for the ones who have cleared the first two chapters of Z-Classroom. The ones who have mastered the art and now would like to explore the definitions of ‘go faster’ whilst you execute your learnings in a ‘smooth’ and ‘safe’ manner during your track day experience.